Hello There!

Hi I’m Jules!

I’m a Singaporean based in Perth Australia, currently a SAHM to 3 under 3!. I met my amazing hubs while we were both serving in kids church years ago and we are both daily doing our very best to bring up our kids in the knowledge and love of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our family is exploring going down the homeschool route and part of that plan/dream involves travelling all around Australia in a campervan some years down the road with our little tribe.

Before the kids came along and turned my whole life wonderfully upside down, I was a preschool teacher and came home every day with paint on my hands and sand in my clothes. These days I’m often STILL covered in paint while getting messy and playful with my two littles on a daily basis.

Back in 2016 when my firstborn was about 6 months old, on those long and overwhelming days of being in the trenches of new motherhood, I was feeling very lonely and isolated as a SAHM and also like I lost a little bit of who I am before becoming mum. It was my personal choice to stay home, and whilst I absolutely love being home and having the privilege of watching my girls grow up every single day, it did not mean that it was an easy decision to make. I loved my job as a preschool teacher and I really missed doing what I did.

In a bid to keep my mind engaged apart from the everyday mundane that is nappy changing, feeding and sleep settling, and to get connected with other teachers/ mamas on the same journey as I was, and to be an advocate for the importance of PLAY of which I’m extremely passionate about, I bit the bullet and started Stories of Play sharing the hows and whys of activities I did with my child (now children). The mama/teacher connections, as well as the amazing opportunities that have resulted from a tiny step has honestly been nothing short of exhilarating to say the least and most days I am still in awe at how much this little page has grown.

I am so excited to have a platform to share my passion for PLAY, for early childhood and to advocate for my under rated profession. I’m equally thankful for the many who have joined us on our journey of play thus far, for those who have offered positive words of encouragement and feedback, and for everyone who has collaboratively made this PLAY community such a supportive and inspiring one to be a part of.

To see more of what we do, you can find us on our Instagram page here and our Facebook page here 🙂

Thank you so much for stopping by today and hope to see you soon!

Jules xx