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So we had quite the morning today. I know this picture exudes peace and calm but the process of building the structure pictured here was nothing like it. In fact the construction in this photo was probably the fourth or fifth version of its kind before I managed to quickly snap these few shots before […]

PLAY IS – Learning Resilience, Perseverance and Mental Strength to Face Setbacks

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So we had quite the morning today. I know this picture exudes peace and calm but the process of building the structure pictured here was nothing like it. In fact the construction in this photo was probably the fourth or fifth version of its kind before I managed to quickly snap these few shots before […]

PLAY IS – Learning Resilience, Perseverance and Mental Strength to Face Setbacks

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Meet The Writer

Hi There, I'm Jules,

I am a parenting coach who helps other Mums and Dads teach their kids how to play independently (so they can foster their capacity to be creative thinkers and so you can have some time out!)
Yep, I have a pretty fun job!

I’m also:
 - A Mama to 3 beautiful girls under 5
 - A brand new home-schooling parent
 - A Singaporean who now lives in Victoria, Australia
 - An ex preschool teacher (I loved being a teacher, but left when I gave birth to my first daughter).