31 Days of Invitations To Create

I first got introduced to the term ‘Invitations To Create’ from the wonderful Megan at The Art Pantry when I purchased a really inspiring eBook of hers quite some time ago. She’s honestly one of my role models when it comes to doing art with children. To read more about the reasons behind why I started offering Invitations to Create to my toddler, please click here.

Here is a compilation of 31 days of simple invitations to create that I did with my toddler over the course of a month. To read more about the supplies and details involved in the setting up and process of each invitation, simply click on the individual links below.


Day 1 – Invitation to Paint on Aluminium Foil Using Cotton Buds


Day 2 – Invitation to Make a Collage with Random Craft Loose Parts


Day 3 – Invitation to Experiment Drawing on Black Paper Using White Implements


Day 4 – Invitation to Create with Glittery Playdough and Various Loose Parts


Day 5 – Invitation to Create on A Canvas with Black Glue


Day 6 – Invitation to Create a Picture with Washi Tape


Day 7 – Invitation to Create on A Cardboard Roll with Dot Stickers and Markers


Day 8 – Invitation to Create a Mess-Free Cling Wrap Painting


Day 9 – Invitation to Create with Coloured Rice


Day 10 – Invitation to Paint on Big Blocks of Ice with Food Colouring


Day 11 – Invitation to Create with Grid Paper and Paint Chips


Day 12 – Invitation to Paint on Paper with Watercolour Paint Blocks


Day 13 – Invitation to Paint on Ice with Watercolour Paint Blocks


Day 14 – Invitation to Create Transient Art with Loose Parts


Day 15 – Invitation to Paint with Different Shades of Blue


Day 16 – Invitation to Draw on Mini-Sized Papers with Different Markers


Day 17 – Invitation to Paint on Paper Towels with Pipettes


Day 18 – Invitation to Create a Watercolour- Resist Painting with Oil Pastels


Day 19 – Invitation to Add a Second Layer of Art Medium (Shades of Blue Markers and Pencils) over Day 15’s Invitation


Day 20 – Invitation to Create a Collage with Coloured Paper Shapes on Black Paper


Day 21 – Invitation to Add a Second Layer of Art Medium (Coloured Glue and Glitter) over an old art project (Painted Corrugated Cardboard)


Day 22 – Invitation to Paint on an Upright Easel Outdoors with a Rainbow of Colours


Day 23 – Invitation to Paint on the Sidewalk with Homemade Chalk Paint


Day 24 – Invitation to Create on Contact Paper with Glitter, Sequins and Googly Eyes


Day 25 – Invitation to Paint on an Acrylic Mirror with Watercolour Paint Palette


Day 26 – Invitation to Create out of a Portable Art Caddy


Day 27 – Invitation to Create Transient Art with Rainbow Pebbles


Day 28 – Invitation to Create a Collage on a Cardboard with a Tinker Tray


Day 29 – Invitation to Paint on Wooden Blocks with Watercolour Paint Palette


Day 30 – Invitation to Create 3-D Sculptures with Recycled Cardboard Rolls, Wooden Spools and Pipe-Cleaners


Day 31 – Invitation to Add a Second Layer of Art Medium (Coloured Sharpies) over Day 29’s Invitation


