About Me

About Me

Hey there, I’m Jules!

I’m a Play Parenting Coach who helps other Mums and Dads teach their kids how to play and learn independently (so they can foster their capacity to be creative thinkers and so you can have some time out!)

Yep, I have a pretty fun job!

I’m also:

  • A Mama to 3 beautiful girls under 5
  • A brand new home-schooling parent
  • A Singaporean who now lives in Victoria, Australia
  • An ex preschool teacher (I loved being a teacher, but left when I gave birth to my first daughter).

I am so happy to have you in this space!

Stories of Play came to life back in 2016, when my firstborn was six months old. Although I loved being a stay-at-home Mum, I found the days to be long and lonely, and with each week that passed, I felt a little more of myself was getting lost.

And so I started Stories of Play – a happy distraction from the never ending nappy changing, feeding and sleep settling cycle – and a way for me to:

  • Connect with other parents (YAY!), and also
  • Do something I love, which is talk about kids and play all day (DOUBLE YAY!)

My biggest mission here at Stories of Play is to show parents that even when their kids are playing, they are learning (the idea that kids need to be sitting at a desk with a worksheet or lesson plan to learn isn’t true!) 


In fact, not only is learning more fun when it’s play based, it’s also more effective, especially when it’s directed by the child.

this is called

Authentic Learning

Learn More

I know, mind blown right?!

So this is what I have the pleasure of teaching day in and day out – how parents can invite their kids to play, so they can maximise their learning potential. It’s actually a lot easier than most parents realise AND it doesn’t take a great deal of time or money!

Like I said, it’s a pretty fun job.

I’ve created lots of resources to support Parents at all stages of their journeys.

Here’s some places to begin:

Download my free Playful Parent Toolkit and learn how to raise creative and independent children in a play-centred home

Download Now

Open Ended Toys

Get your journey started with my helpful articles, tips, tricks and recommendations

Visit Blog

Learn about the Authentic Learning Experience

Join The Waitlist

Here’s some more fun facts about me:

  • My hubby and I dream of taking our girls on the road and driving around Australia #watchthisspace
  • I am a huge F.R.I.E.N.D.S fan. I honestly can’t remember how many times I’ve watched the entire ten seasons! Haha.
  • I love spoilers. I even Google who is going to be evicted from reality TV shows like Survivor, before I even watch the episodes!
  • In 2020, my husband left his job to join the Stories of Play team! He looks after the marketing, finance, operations and project management side of things (all of my least favourite things to do – haha).

I’m so happy to have you here and can’t wait to continue our play journey together,

Jules xx
