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Is this you Mama?

  • Your kids are your world and you want the best for them.
  • You want your kids to grow into happy, independent and successful adults.
  • You want to be more present and intentional with your kids.
  • You feel overwhelmed by all the information out there about how to ‘best’ support your kids to learn.

if so, you are in the right place.


Hi, I’m Jules!

I’m a Mum of a toddler, preschooler and a soon-to-be homeschooled primary schooler, and I’m a Parent Play Coach (who used to be an early childhood teacher!)

It’s my passion in this life to help Mums have more quality time with their kids (because who doesn’t love quality time – am I right?!), by supporting their children to tap into the limitless learning opportunities that exist around them.

I call them Authentic Learning opportunities.

Learn More About Me!


At Stories of Play, we believe that:

Learning Opportunities

are all around us and we don’t need to ‘teach’ our children before they will learn. They are always learning!


is in and of itself, a learning activity. There doesn’t have to be a specific learning outcome – the journey itself supports them to learn!


who embrace self-directed play, often feel less overwhelmed, and more calm, empowered and stress free.

The Authentic Learning Experience

Join a community of like-minded Mums who are passionate about learning how to support their children’s learning and development through play and everyday life, and want to be inspired by how authentic learning looks in different homes.

Monthly masterclasses

Exclusive tips, tricks and hacks

A supportive community

Group coaching and support

Doors only open 3 times a year! Join the waitlist to get notified when doors reopen.

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As Mums, we experience so much pressure to ‘do more’ and ‘be better’.

We’ve been told that a ‘great’ Mum is one who holds her children’s (proverbial) hands 24/7, is run off her feet setting up activity stations (and then cleaning them up and packing them away), and does ‘all the things’ – mothering, cleaning, cooking, doing, you name it.

Not only is this exhausting, it doesn’t support us to do what we desperately yearn to do – that is, be more present with and feel more connected to our kids and support them to be independent and happy humans!


And Learn How To Raise Creative And Independent Children In A Play-Centred Home

Download Now

Playful Parent Toolkit

Here at Stories of Play, we want to take you from being

an Overwhelmed Mama,


a New Generation Parent!

Overwhelmed Mum


Overwhelmed Mama

Feels weighed down by all the ‘shoulds’, activity suggestions and conflicting information.

Is exhausted and feels like she has very little space to spend quality time with her kids.

Sets up activities for her kids, only to find that their interest is short lived.

Wants to set up all the activities the ‘Instagram Mums’ tell her to, but simply doesn’t have the time (oh, hello there guilt!).



New Generation Parent

Knows there is an easier, more enjoyable and more sustainable way to support her kids to learn.

Identifies learning opportunities everywhere she looks – no need for endless set up, pack down and clean up (hooray!)

Feels more calm, relaxed and present

Understands that play is not a frivolous time-filler in between ‘learning time’. Play IS meaningful work and play IS learning.


“I used to screenshot activities I see on social media, set them up for my child and pressure him to complete them. Then when he doesn’t want to do them, I wonder why I bother setting these up in the first place.

But now I often just go with the flow and I feel like I don’t have to force anything. The biggest change so far is within myself. Letting go of expectations and not worrying about whether I’m doing enough, I realise that when I do less, they actually learn more.”
Tiffany(mum of 2.5 year old)
“Being a first-time mom, I did not really know how to go about it and have no idea on how to start a child-led play environment in the house, so I wanted to learn from the basics on creating a inclusive and conducive fun learning environment for my child at home.

Now, my 15 month old toddler is able to play independently in her own play space I have created for her based on what I have learnt from the program on creating an inviting play space.”
Jasmine(mum of 15 month old)
“My intentions and mental preparations have changed to better suit their needs and learning patterns. I can also see that they enjoy playing open-ended toys and the best result so far is that my elder one is self-motivated to approach the toys and didn’t need my presence for a good while.

If you’re thinking twice because you may not have the time to watch it or invest time to apply, then I can attest to it that you don’t have to go through ALL of the materials to be able to make a difference or change. It’s a gradual process and it takes time, yes, but there’s no regrets. It’s one of the best investments I’ve made.
Doreen(mum of 4yo & 2yo)

I’ve created lots of resources to support Parents at all stages of their journeys.

Here’s some places to begin:

Download my free Playful Parent Toolkit and learn how to raise creative and independent children in a play-centred home

Download Now

Open Ended Toys

Get your journey started with my helpful articles, tips, tricks and recommendations

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Learn about the Authentic Learning Experience

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