Day 6/31 days of #toddlerartinvitations
Invitation to create with washi tape. I’ve offered this invitation to my toddler a couple of times this year and it’s usually very well-received. This morning she wasn’t so keen so I thought I’d have a ‘failed invitation’ story to share instead.
Nevertheless, I decided not to pack it away and during her afternoon nap, I added a border using a red with white polka dots tape around the edges of the paper where there was none before. Who knew adding a border would work such a treat! She asked to do it immediately when she woke up from her nap and saw the tray set up. By the way, is it obvious that I’m a polka dots girl? 😆
Another easy and simple invitation to create
✔ Bonus points for an activity that helps strengthen fine motor skills
✔ The finished product is already now proudly displayed on our growing art gallery wall.
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