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One of the most common messages I get on my Instagram account is “What are the favourites/most-played with/must-have toys in your house?” Well today I’m casting the spotlight on our ‘Most Played With Toy’ and sitting WAY at the top of this leader-board are our Magnetic Tiles.   A Bit of Background We’ve had the […]

The No. 1 Toy in Our House: 10 Ways My Kids Play With Magnetic Tiles

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One of the most common messages I get on my Instagram account is “What are the favourites/most-played with/must-have toys in your house?” Well today I’m casting the spotlight on our ‘Most Played With Toy’ and sitting WAY at the top of this leader-board are our Magnetic Tiles.   A Bit of Background We’ve had the […]

The No. 1 Toy in Our House: 10 Ways My Kids Play With Magnetic Tiles

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Days like today, I’m so glad I always take heaps of photos of my children’s play. Tuesdays are hard days for me as the hubs work the afternoon-late night shift so basically I do the entire crazy witching hour before dinner time on my own, then dinner, bath and bedtime routine for both kids, with […]

Play Teaches Skills That Aren’t Just Academic

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A couple of days ago, I created a very open-ended backdrop to a small world play for my toddler with just a couple of Sarah Silks draped over milk crates and cardboard as well as a few pieces of our Grimms pastel rainbow. The playscape was open-ended in that it was purposefully set up minimally […]

A Simple Trick to Encourage Toddlers to Deepen Their Play

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Recently I’ve noticed Miss 13mo engaging in some basic imaginative play using a couple of her animal figurines. She would take a few of them and “walk” them up and down the Grimms rainbow stackers we’ve got in her play area (see previous post). To help her exercise more of that imagination, I set up […]

Stories of Play – When They Take A Play Setup in a Totally Different Direction

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Meet The Writer

Hi There, I'm Jules,

I am a parenting coach who helps other Mums and Dads teach their kids how to play independently (so they can foster their capacity to be creative thinkers and so you can have some time out!)
Yep, I have a pretty fun job!

I’m also:
 - A Mama to 3 beautiful girls under 5
 - A brand new home-schooling parent
 - A Singaporean who now lives in Victoria, Australia
 - An ex preschool teacher (I loved being a teacher, but left when I gave birth to my first daughter).