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Would You Consider This Art? We spent nearly two hours out in the yard yesterday evening. What started off as painting the yard with a paintbrush dipped in water, became wet chalk drawing on the pavement, became scavenging the yard for rocks and leaves and dried flowers, became sorting and arranging the natural materials onto […]

Would You Consider This Art?

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Would You Consider This Art? We spent nearly two hours out in the yard yesterday evening. What started off as painting the yard with a paintbrush dipped in water, became wet chalk drawing on the pavement, became scavenging the yard for rocks and leaves and dried flowers, became sorting and arranging the natural materials onto […]

Would You Consider This Art?

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Can I be the first to admit that a dawdling toddler tests my patience the most!! Much more than a playroom that gets messed up ten thousand times a day. Seriously the amount of time it takes us to get to places. Every Monday, we go to a playgroup that’s literally on the other end […]

The Journey IS the Destination

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We are currently on holidays in Singapore. Yesterday we brought Miss 12mo to the Singapore Zoo where she also had some fun at the water play area. It was an amazing water play area with many water features that would excite many a teenager and even an adult. After playing with a couple of mini […]

Stories of Play – Let The Children Direct Their Play

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Meet The Writer

Hi There, I'm Jules,

I am a parenting coach who helps other Mums and Dads teach their kids how to play independently (so they can foster their capacity to be creative thinkers and so you can have some time out!)
Yep, I have a pretty fun job!

I’m also:
 - A Mama to 3 beautiful girls under 5
 - A brand new home-schooling parent
 - A Singaporean who now lives in Victoria, Australia
 - An ex preschool teacher (I loved being a teacher, but left when I gave birth to my first daughter).