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So yesterday post afternoon naps for both girls, we were out in our yard playing for the whole afternoon til just before dinner. Miss 2 asked to do some painting so I simply set up an easy primary colours painting invitation for her on a paper plate so I could keep my eye on bubs […]

Same Invitation, Different Learning Processes and Outcomes

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So yesterday post afternoon naps for both girls, we were out in our yard playing for the whole afternoon til just before dinner. Miss 2 asked to do some painting so I simply set up an easy primary colours painting invitation for her on a paper plate so I could keep my eye on bubs […]

Same Invitation, Different Learning Processes and Outcomes

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Would You Consider This Art? We spent nearly two hours out in the yard yesterday evening. What started off as painting the yard with a paintbrush dipped in water, became wet chalk drawing on the pavement, became scavenging the yard for rocks and leaves and dried flowers, became sorting and arranging the natural materials onto […]

Would You Consider This Art?

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Day 31/ 31 days of #toddlerartinvitations Invitation to add a layer of Sharpie drawings over the blocks we painted two days ago! Guys this is such a simple set up (and clean up) yet so fun to do with my toddler!! We talked about the colours we wanted to use, we tried matching the painted blocks […]

Invitation to Add a Second Layer of Art Medium (Coloured Sharpies) over an Existing Art Project – Day 31/31 Days of Invitation to Create

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Day 23/ 31 days of #toddlerartinvitations Invitation to paint on the sidewalk with homemade chalk paint. I’ve wanted to try this recipe forever and I’m so glad we finally did today. This is now hands down my favourite process art activity!! I had SO MUCH FUN, let alone my toddler. Click here for the videos of […]

Invitation to Paint on the Sidewalk with Homemade Chalk Paint – Day 23/ 31 Days of Invitation to Create Challenge

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Day 21/ 31 days of #toddlerartinvitations Firstly, blessed Christmas ❤💚!! I hope everyone had a love-filled day yesterday and had plenty of cuddles with loved ones. Continuing on our toddler art series, this is another invitation to create a second layer of art over a pre-existing artwork like in day 19. Back in June, the toddler […]

Invitation to Add a Second Layer of Art Medium (Coloured Glue and Glitter) over a Painted Corrugated Cardboard – Day 21/31 Days of Invitation to Create Challenge

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Yesterday, Miss 20mo worked on a special tape-resist art project that will be a 60th birthday gift for one of her favourite people in the world. First up, I prepped the canvas for her by creating the word 爷 (meaning: paternal grandfather) using painter’s tape. Next up, I provided a paint palette with 6 bold bright colours […]

Tape Resist Process Art – A Personalised Handmade Gift

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Meet The Writer

Hi There, I'm Jules,

I am a parenting coach who helps other Mums and Dads teach their kids how to play independently (so they can foster their capacity to be creative thinkers and so you can have some time out!)
Yep, I have a pretty fun job!

I’m also:
 - A Mama to 3 beautiful girls under 5
 - A brand new home-schooling parent
 - A Singaporean who now lives in Victoria, Australia
 - An ex preschool teacher (I loved being a teacher, but left when I gave birth to my first daughter).