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Seeing as it’s Australia Day this Friday and we’ve been reading quite a few of these books on repeat, I thought I’d share some of my favourite Aussie-themed picture books, three of which you can actually put a tune to. If my toddler had to choose her favourite from these, it will hands down be […]

Aussie-Themed Picture Books for Australia Day

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Seeing as it’s Australia Day this Friday and we’ve been reading quite a few of these books on repeat, I thought I’d share some of my favourite Aussie-themed picture books, three of which you can actually put a tune to. If my toddler had to choose her favourite from these, it will hands down be […]

Aussie-Themed Picture Books for Australia Day

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Hello everyone, now that we’ve officially said goodbye to 2017 with a video snapshot of our PLAYful year (see it here), I thought we’ll belatedly say hello to the new year with a fresh playshelf in our playroom as it’s been a long while since I last shared one. If you saw the previous post […]

Currently On Our Playshelf (Jan 2018)

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Day 31/ 31 days of #toddlerartinvitations Invitation to add a layer of Sharpie drawings over the blocks we painted two days ago! Guys this is such a simple set up (and clean up) yet so fun to do with my toddler!! We talked about the colours we wanted to use, we tried matching the painted blocks […]

Invitation to Add a Second Layer of Art Medium (Coloured Sharpies) over an Existing Art Project – Day 31/31 Days of Invitation to Create

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Day 30/31 days of #toddlerartinvitations Invitation to make 3D sculptures with recycled cardboard rolls, spools and pipe-cleaners. I put the invitation in front of my toddler this morning as pictured without any suggestions as to what she could do and she immediately began to thread the pipe cleaners through the spools and the cardboard rolls. Almost […]

Invitation to Create 3-D Sculptures with Recyclables and Craft Materials – Day 30/31 Days of Invitation to Create Challenge

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Day 29/ 31 days of #toddlerartinvitations Invitation to paint on wooden blocks with watercolours. A few months back, I scored two sets of natural coloured Jenga type blocks for $3 from a flea market. One set was in pristine condition so I kept it aside for the toddler to use in construction play. The other set […]

Invitation to Paint on Wooden Blocks with Watercolours – Day 29/31 Days of Invitation to Create Challenge

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Day 28/ 31 days of #toddlerartinvitations Invitation to make a collage on cardboard with a tinker tray. Now this was first done yesterday but only completed today which is why I’m only posting it now. Usually after my toddler loses interest with an activity I set up and decides to go off and do something else, […]

Invitation to Create a Collage on a Cardboard from a Tinker Tray – Day 28/31 Days of Invitation to Create Challenge

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Meet The Writer

Hi There, I'm Jules,

I am a parenting coach who helps other Mums and Dads teach their kids how to play independently (so they can foster their capacity to be creative thinkers and so you can have some time out!)
Yep, I have a pretty fun job!

I’m also:
 - A Mama to 3 beautiful girls under 5
 - A brand new home-schooling parent
 - A Singaporean who now lives in Victoria, Australia
 - An ex preschool teacher (I loved being a teacher, but left when I gave birth to my first daughter).